Wednesday's Words!

Encouragement from God's Word!

Wednesday’s Words, Isaiah 48:17

(C) 2023, Wednesday’s Words

To Our Students:

“Thus says the Lord,

your Redeemer,

the Holy One of


‘I am the Lord

your God,

who teaches you

to profit,

who leads you in the

way you should go.”

– Isaiah 48:17

Today’s post is dedicated to the students who are already in school and those heading off to college to obtain their education. For me, it’s my grandson. I am an “adopted Grandpa,” a place in a young man’s life I will always cherish. God brought the friendship together one fall afternoon after we spent more than a few hours chatting the afternoon away.

I am thankful that I learned to listen to what young people say and do. Many people my age think the young don’t know much and ignore them. However, I have been tremendously blessed by a young man seeking God’s Heart all the time, wanting to be exactly what God wants him to be, nothing less. He has been encouraging his grandpa to do the same.

As I have prayed for my grandson, I’ve found myself praying for all the students going off to school. My grandson’s name will pop up in my mind, and though I don’t why, I pray for God to take care of him, especially now that he is off to college. Both of us have found tremendous blessings from these prayers.

In your prayers, remember to pray for our students whether or not you have children in school or college.